When you choose your meals on a daily basis, and you drink beverages that give you enjoyment and nourishment, do you ever stop to think how they affect your teeth? Like most people, we eat and drink because it feels good, it tastes good, and it gives us energy. But oftentimes, those very nourishing meals can sabotage your oral health. Since giving up certain foods requires diligence and patience, it might behoove you to pay attention to these foods and work your diet around them whenever possible. Moderation is key.
-Coffee and black tea
-Red wine
-Cranberry juice
-Curry, saffron herbs, and powders
-Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries
-Balsamic vinegar
-Soy sauces
These are the teeth-stainers. There are other foods with more texture and less staining properties, yet still wreak havoc on your dental health. They include:
-Saltwater taffy
-Kettle corn
-Peanut brittle
-Corn nuts
-Hard chocolate bars
-Chewing ice
-Acidic foods – citrus will erode enamel
-Dried fruit
-Processed chips and snacks
-Sports drinks
How Dr. Connesss Can Help
At our state of the art dental implant practice, we pride ourselves on restoring your confident smile. With a consultation, you are free to ask all questions regarding the health of your teeth and how specific dietary habits play a role in your eternal smile. Your oral health is our business, and our skilled team is here to provide solutions. Contact our office today for your initial visit, and we’ll send you on the road to your best lifelong dental health.